‘To jab or not to jab, that is the question! An exploration of the rules on Covid-19 and flu vaccinations for looked after children’ by Natalie Cross
As we recover from the Covid-19 pandemic and the vaccination programme continues to roll out, practitioners are likely to face increased questions as to the rules on whether children currently looked after by the local authority can be vaccinated against Covid-19 in the absence of consent of all those with parental responsibility. Similar questions are likely to arise in relation to the flu vaccination given we have been told since the onset of the pandemic that getting that vaccination is more important than ever.
Yet what are the rules when there is a disparity between all those who hold parental responsibility for the child? Further, what is the correct approach when the child is of such age and understanding to have their own views and they are regarded as Gillick competent?
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To view Natalie Cross’ profile please click here.